Expert instructor Hosai Mojaddidi walks through different parenting stories from the Quran, focusing on several Prophets of Allah, and the lessons we can learn from their actions.

This course is for anyone who:

  • Hopes to become a parent, even if it is far into the future

  • Wishes to improve their relationships with the youth, or in general

  • Is a grandparent, aunty, uncle, teacher, community leader

  • In short, anyone and everyone!


Parenting is undeniably one of the most rewarding and simultaneously challenging experiences in this life. It is both a gift with unmeasured benefits, as well as an immense understanding and responsibility from God. Islamic parenting is centred in devotion to God and predicated entirely on Quranic and prophetic guidance - both of which are universal and timeless. In this course, we will cover some of the sunnah, and relate them to the most common and relevant parenting challenges of our time.

  • Course Length

    4 lessons, amassing 8 hours worth of content. Each session lasts 1-hr, with an added 20-30 minutes for a Q&A with our guest instructor

  • Lesson 1: Intentional Parenting

    The importance of preparedness and education before marriage and parenthood. Understanding parenting beyond commercialization, and seeing it as an act of worship for the sake of Allah. Seeking refuge in Allah often to align one’s intentions as a parent with God-consciousness and reliance on Him.

  • Lesson 2: Prophetic Parenting

    The importance of parents actively learning the seerah/sunnah and how to model their behavior after the Beloved. Creating a family culture devoted to every member of the family developing a strong character based on the prophetic model. Learning healthy communication skills from the prophetic model, which are designed to prevent miscommunication, hostility, and disrespect.

  • Lesson 3: Balanced Parenting

    The importance of parents understanding what Islamic parental authority is defined by. Knowing the difference between authoritative vs. authoritarian parenting, as well as negligent parenting where children are overly coddled, excessively spoiled, or have little to no oversight.

  • Lesson 4: Active Parenting

    The importance of parents understanding that they must always be vigilant, steadfast, and, no matter what challenges they endure, must put their trust in Allah and practice perpetual gratitude. Understand that trials and tribulations are part and parcel of this world. Parents must be focused, proactive, and resourceful - shepherds tending to the flock - at all times.



What students are saying:

“[This class] taught to me work on myself as a parent. I’ve learnt to pray not only for my kids to be better but also for me to be a better role model to them. I’ve learnt that patience and perseverance will always get you through, and I’ve learnt my solutions are in my sujood. Jazakallah khair.”


“The topic is relevant to where I am in my life right now. Sr. Hossai was very organized, the lectures were nicely and clearly formatted, it covered a lot of topics within a short period of time. One of the biggest things I learned was the need for “intentional parenting”. I always thought of having children as a right of passage of marriage or a societal/familial obligation -or just the next step in life. However none of these are proper reasons to want to have children. My intention should be to have children only to serve Allah(swt). It made me change the way I think of parenting and motherhood. It also made me think twice about the commercialization of maternity and how I should limit myself in that regard.”


“I liked how well the course was structured. You could tell that the instructor had a lot of experience as her examples and explanations were very clear and concise. I learned all about the dangers children are exposed to in this day and age, that the most important thing in raising children is to give them love and compassion, to trust Allah more, emotional intelligence, and the different stages of a child's life. I helped raised my little sister and this course made me realize some of the mistakes I made and also some of the good things I've done. Also it helped open my eyes to some of the realities of parenthood, some of them scary but that we need to know.”


“It was a unique course(you cannot really find as beneficial information anywhere else). The teacher had a lot of experience and knowledge about this topic. I'm not a parent but I learnt so many things and I'm really grateful for it. I learnt about emotional intelligence which was new to me, how prophet Muhammad (s) treated children, the importance of making continuous sincere duas & duas for protection, how to make children love Allah and His messenger (s).”


“I loved the in depth lectures, and learning about how kids are to be brought up righteous. This made me a better mother, insha'Allah. The instructor was great. There has never been a bad teacher when it comes to these classes :)”



"I really appreciated hearing about the issues in the western world and how to tackle them as a parent. This course taught me to teach children about their deen step by step, while making sure to help them grow in each of their stages. While they are young to let them play, while they are teens to answer them and validate their questions, while they are old to befriend them."


"This course taught me that children are an amanah (trust) and test of faith. It is tough to implement the Prophetic parenting now because my children are all grown up, but sharing what I learnt from every/any sources to my immediate family keeps going on."


"This course teaches the important skills and benefits to parenting with Quran ayat as examples. I have learned how I can assert myself according to the rules in Islam, and to show empathy in situations. But the most important thing is to educate myself above all."

About Your Instructor

Hosai Mojaddidi

Guest Instructor

Hosai Mojaddidi has been serving the Muslim-American community for over 25 years as a teacher, public speaker, author/writer, spiritual counselor and mental health advocate. She currently teaches self-development and spiritual development classes for adults and youth in her local community, and is actively involved with promoting social-emotional learning and mental health advocacy to students and educators via workshops/trainings.

Hosai began her Islamic studies over 20 years ago at Zaytuna Institute in the Bay Area California where, for several years, she served as the lead female organizer and studied aqeeda, seerah, Hanafi fiqh, tazkiyah an-nafs, tajweed, hadith, Arabic, and other sacred subjects with several resident and visiting scholars including Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, and others.

She is actively involved with her local community and offers talks throughout the year on a range of topics including spirituality, self-development, seerah, women's issues, family/marriage, youth issues, social media literacy/safety, and mental health advocacy. She is active on social media and blogs regularly through Facebook & Instagram. She's also the co-founder of (MH4M) and many of her articles related to mental health issues and other topics relevant to the Muslim community have been reproduced by or published in other websites some of which include: Imanwire, MuslimVillage, SeekersGuidances, SoundVision, AltMuslimah,, Patheos, Huffington Post UK, and Haute Hijab. She's also ben featured on NPR and Al-Jazeera to discuss the Muslim female experience in America with regards to hijab and Islamophobia.

She's a published children's book author and the title of her first book is 'Clear the Path: A Rhyme Book on Manners for Little Muslims'. She's a wife and mother of two, and resides in northern California.


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OR Subscribe to access ALL our courses:

    1. 2.1: Introduction

    2. 2.2: Principles of Parenting - Shepherding; Part 1

    3. 2.3: Principles of Parenting - Shepherding; Part 2

    4. 2.4: Principles of Parenting - Shepherding; Part 3

    5. 2.5: Preparing For Leadership

    6. 2.6: The Character of the Walking Quran - Part 1

    7. 2.7: The Character of the Walking Quran - Part 2

    8. 2.8: The Character of the Walking Qur'an - Part 3

    9. 2.9: What is Emotional Intelligence?

    10. 2.10: The 5 Qualities of Effective Leaders - Part 1

    11. 2.11: The 5 Qualities of Effective Leaders - Part 2

    12. 2.12: The 5 Qualities of Effective Leaders - Part 3

    13. 2.13: Prophetic Parenting - C.P.R.

    14. 2.14: Q&A - Part 1

    15. 2.15: Q&A - Part 2

    16. 2.16: Q&A - Part 3

    17. 2.17: Q&A - Part 4

    1. 3.1: Introduction

    2. 3.2: Parenting with P.M.C - Part 1

    3. 3.3: Parenting with P.M.C - Part 2

    4. 3.4: Parenting with P.M.C - Part 3

    5. 3.5: Parenting is a Trust From God

    6. 3.6: Leading by Example

    7. 3.7 : Customizing Parenting

    8. 3.8: Spirituality in Early Childhood - Ages 2-7

    9. 3.9: Spirituality in Middle Childhood - Ages 8-11; Part 1

    10. 3.10: Spirituality in Middle Childhood - Ages 8-11; Part 2

    11. 3.11: Spirituality in Adolescence - Ages 14 and Up; Part 1

    12. 3.12: Spirituality in Adolescence - Ages 14 and Up; Part 2

    13. 3.13: Common Parenting Struggles and Concerns - Part 1

    14. 3.14: Common Parenting Struggles and Concerns - Part 2

    15. 3.15: Common Parenting Struggles and Concerns - Part 3

    16. 3.16 - The Greatest Threats - Part 1

    17. 3.17: The Greatest Threats - Part 2

    18. 3.18: The Greatest Threats - Part 3

    19. 3.19: Q&A - Part 1

    20. 3.20: Q&A - Part 2

    21. 3.21: Q&A - Part 3

    22. 3.22: Q&A - Part 4

    23. 3.23: Q&A - Part 5

    24. 3.24: Q&A - Part 6

    25. 3.25: Q&A - Part 7

    1. 4.1: Active Parenting

    2. 4.2: Quranic Parenting Models - Part 1

    3. 4.3: Quranic Parenting Models - Part 2

    4. 4.4: Quranic Parenting Models - Part 3

    5. 4.5: Emotional Intelligence

    6. 4.6: 5 Qualities of Emotional Intelligence - Self-Awareness; Part 1

    7. 4.7: 5 Qualities of Emotional Intelligence - Self-Awareness; Part 2

    8. 4.8: 5 Qualities of Emotional Intelligence - Self-Awareness; Part 3

    9. 4.9: 5 Qualities of Emotional Intelligence - Self-Regulation

    10. 4.10: 5 Qualities of Emotional Intelligence - Motivation; Part 1

    11. 4.11: 5 Qualities of Emotional Intelligence - Motivation; Part 2

    12. 4.12: 5 Qualities of Emotional Intelligence - Empathy

    13. 4.13: 5 Qualities of Emotional Intelligence - Social Skills

    14. 4.14: Q&A - Part 1

    15. 4.15: Q&A - Part 2

    16. 4.16: Q&A - Part 3

    17. 4.17: Q&A - Part 4

    18. 4.18: Q&A - Part 5

    1. Feedback form

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 77 lessons
  • 14.5 hours of video content


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are the classes live?

    The classes are all pre-recorded, so you can complete the course in your own time, at your own pace.

  • Is there an age requirement?

    We've had students from ages 8-70+ in our courses and they've all enjoyed it and benefited. We recommend children under 10 take the class with an adult.

  • Do you offer scholarships?

    We never want finances to stand in the way of learning. If you require financial aid, contact us at [email protected] and we will find the best solution for you.

  • Is there a refund policy?

    If you register for lifetime access for one course, or subscribe monthly, and your expectations were not met, then you may email us within 30 days at [email protected] to receive a prompt, no-questions-asked, full refund.